Bo Jackson is likely to be the pro athlete to achieve the greatest score in this combine. While I don't have data on how much he lifted, by extrapolating and using conservative numbers when doing so we can see that he would have produced an eye popping score of well over 300 pts. To understand how other worldly this score is, understand that getting a score over 200 pts would likely put you in the elite athlete category.
Event 1: Bench Press-425 lbs (likely more than this). He did not lift weights prior to college. His room mate state that Bo Benched 400 lbs without having worked out prior.
Event 2: Dead Lift-I could find no data on this for him. It is likely that he never even attempted this. However, given his incredible strength, he could likely have pulled at least 500 lbs without to much trouble.
Event 3: Squat-Once again, I have no data on this, so I will go conservative guess 425 lbs. Likely, he would have been able to do much more.
Speed events:
40 year dash- Bo ran a hand clocked 4.12 s at the NFL combine in 1986. This is THE fastest time on record. However, because it was not electronic, it has an asterisk. Either way, this is incredibly fast by any measure.
400m- Bo has a clocked time in the 100m of 10.44 s. Using a web based calculator we can estimate his time in the 400m. The time calculated is 45.41s. This, of course is incredibly fast and since Bo was not a 400m runner, we will be conservative and bring that back to 47 s.
60 yard shuttle: I have no time in this event for Bo. Using times typical of running backs we can guess that he would have done at least 11.6 s. This is in the middle of the running backs at the 2012 combine.
This produces a score in the Speed Strength Combine of 314.32 pts. If he were to train specifically for this competition, he would probably break 350 if not 375 pts. Truly, mind boggling.
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